Monday, March 29, 2010

During Holy Week take action for peace

March 29, 2010
ACTION ALERT from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

During Holy Week

"As (Jesus) came near and saw the city, he wept over it, saying, 'If you, even you, had only recognized on this day the things that make for peace!'" - Luke 19:41-42a

This Holy Week, on the heels of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, in anticipation of his death, and in celebration of his resurrection, take two actions that make for peace:

1. Join the call from Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) to"Support the Administration's Efforts to Get Israelis &Palestinians Serious about Negotiations."
From CMEP: "...the White House was inundated with emails from Christian Zionists after the Administration criticized Israel for announcing the approval of a plan to build 1,600 apartments in an east Jerusalem neighborhood.

As a CMEP supporter, you have a unique voice, one of moderation and compassion for the dignity of every human being. The White House and Congress need to hear from you so they know you appreciate their efforts to hold both sides accountable..." (CMEP action alert March 19, 2010)

Let your representative in Congress know that you support the administration's efforts to restart peace negotiations and to hold both parties accountable. Take action here:

2. Sign the Churches for Middle East Peace petition to address the crisis in Gaza. Add your name to the message to "Urge President Obama to end the blockade of Gaza."

From CMEP: Living conditions in Gaza imposed by the blockade aredeplorable. Damage to buildings, homes and other critical infrastructure from the war a year ago remain unrepaired because construction materials are prohibited from entering. With no materials for maintenance there are now millions of gallons of untreated waste water being dumped into the Mediterranean Sea on a daily basis. Much of the drinking water is unhealthy. This has negative public health repercussions for Palestinians and Israelis ... Gaza's residents have been left without adequate housing, without work, and without hope. This is a dangerous situation that needs urgent attention.

Seven organizations, including CMEP, sent a letter to the President urging that, "...your administration use America's unique relationship with Israel to persuade it to lift the closure of its border crossing with Gaza now." Endorse this message to the President by adding your name to CMEP's petition: Deadline for signatures is April 2. Thank you to those who have already signed!

Let shouts of praise on Palm Sunday herald actions for peace during Holy Week. Take action today!


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