Monday, April 14, 2008

Rachel Corrie's Journals - Book Launch

Thanks to Friends of Sabeel North America for circulating this schedule

Rachel Corrie's personal journals now in book form -

Launches have taken place or are scheduled in these locations: Berkeley, California; Seattle, Olympia, Washington; Portland, Oregon; Frederick, Maryland; Washington, D.C.; New York City; Iowa City, Iowa; and St. Paul, Minnesota.

Here is a letter from Cindy Corrie:


I am thrilled to announce the release of my daughter Rachel's writings in the new book Let Me Stand Alone: The Journals of Rachel Corrie, published by W.W. Norton & Co. and available in bookstores and online! I am also excited to invite you to attend a series of book launch events across the country that Craig and I will be participating in during the month of April. We hope that you and your friends will join us to celebrate Rachel's book at one of these events and ... help us spread the word about each one.

[For information about CSpan's film of the first book event, April 5th in Berkeley, California, go to the website of sponsor KPFA Radio]

Working on the book was an alternately exhilarating and challenging process. We agonized over every editing decision, which pieces would Rachel have included? Which would she have wanted to work on further? However, we knew how much Rachel wanted her writing to have a wider impact and we still believe deeply that the questions she pondered and the realities she witnessed are universally important to confront. It is a true milestone for our family, and for Rachel, that her words in this book reach the world.

More information about Let Me Stand Alone, including how to purchase it, can be found at

If we are not scheduled to be in your area during the April book tour, but you would like to organize a future reading, you can contact us through this website as well.

As Craig wrote in the introduction to the book: Words were sacred to Rachel, and her words have become treasures to us. They are what we have left and are an immense gift to our family. With this book, we offer that gift to you. We look forward to seeing you in Berkeley, Seattle, Olympia, Portland, DC, New York, Iowa City or Minneapolis! Please do help us spread the word.

Thank you! Cindy Corrie

Remaining dates on the schedule are:

Frederick, Maryland
Monday, April 14th
Time: 7 PM
Delaplaine Visual Arts & Education Center
40 South Carroll Street
Frederick, Maryland 21701

Washington, DC
Tuesday, April 15th
Time: 6:00 PM
Busboys & Poets
2021 14th Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20009

New York City
Friday, April 18th
Time: 6:30 PM
51 Astor Place (8th Street between 3rd and 4th)
New York, NY
Guest Readers Include: Kathleen Chalfant, Nick Flynn, Marie Howe, Denis O'Hare and Lili Taylor.

Iowa City, Iowa
Tues., April 22
Time: 7:30 PM
University of Iowa, Iowa Memorial Union
Black Box Theater, Room #360
125 N. Madison Street
Iowa City, IA

Twin Cities, Minnesota
Thursday, April 24th
Time: 7:00 PM
Micawber's Book Store
2238 Carter Avenue
St. Paul, MN

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